I have been tinkering with Microsoft Designer, and this morning, I wanted to generate an image to go with one of my favorite Wil Wheaton quotes. However, I put the text in the wrong box – the generated image prompt instead of the headline. When I went to search, I got this message:

Oops, something triggered our Microsoft Responsible AI guidelines. Please update your query and try again.

I deserved that. After all, the quote could easily be misconstrued as something highly inappropriate (and absolutely not what I was going for).

This made me appreciate Microsoft Designer and its AI more. To have the reminder that Responsible AI is a thing and thought of and to see the guidelines mentioned in the messaging shown to us consumers, this is hopeful. Microsoft has a great collection of tools and guidelines for Responsible AI at: Responsible AI principles from Microsoft

For those of you curious about my favorite quote from Wil Wheaton, this is what I generated when I put the quote in the right field in Microsoft Designer:

Don't be a dick - Wil Wheaton. Background is a shattered Edison lightbulb.

More on this quote here: Wil Wheaton Explains Wheaton’s Law (Don’t Be A Dick) – YouTube

By sadukie

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