User Group and Conference Talk Abstracts

These are the topics and talks that are planned for 2023.


These are some of the topics I’m interested in covering this year:

  • Automation with GitHub Actions
  • Secure Credentials with Azure App Development
  • Azure App Service vs Azure Static Web Apps
  • Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
  • Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

These are topics I am exploring this year:

  • Automating C# App Deployments in AWS
  • Testing with Playwright
  • Working with Tailwind

Specific Talks

Relational Data at Any Scale with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL can support relational applications of any size – from the small prototypes to applications at global scale. In this presentation, you will see how to get started with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. You will see the considerations around growth, including schema changes. By the end of this session, you should have a good understanding of why Azure Cosmos for PostgreSQL is a good host for your relational data apps at any scale.

Delivered: Relational Data at Any Scale with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL – Feb. 2023 – YouTube

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL for .NET devs

Did you know that you can use .NET to work with Postgres? Better yet, did you know that you can use .NET with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL for data of any size? In this session, you will learn how to build a .NET app working with data from Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL using Npgsql.

Scheduled: March 9 – Tulsa .NET User Group

Secure Your Credentials for Azure App Development

Working with credentials for Azure resources, you want to avoid storing your credentials in repositories when possible. In this session, we will talk about some of the options for working with credentials in Azure development without checking them into repositories – including service principals, managed identities, and ChainedTokenCredential.