I’d like to introduce Cleveland Tech Events. Cleveland has a very widespread technical community, but I’ve found that a lot of people haven’t heard of the other groups in the area. In an effort to bring the groups together so that we can have a wider audience to get event information out, I’ve set up this site.

I’ve got an RSS feed setup for its front page, and you can subscribe here. All posts will also show up on Twitter as the user clevtechevents.

If you know of a group that isn’t listed in the resources links on the site, please get me the group’s name and their website address so that I can add them. If you want to be able to add your group’s information on your own, sign up for an account and let me know so that I can set you up with the ability to post your group’s events and other news. And if you want to get your information out there but don’t want to sign up for an account, please email me the information and I’ll get it up there.

Please spread the word and let’s show the other communities what happens when all the technical user groups get together and work as a united community! Check out Cleveland Tech Events for the latest news and events from the various groups throughout the community.

2024 Note: This post was captured for historical purposes. Cleveland Tech Events no longer exists like this and is only used for community event organizing.

By sadukie

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