Yesterday, I got the news that I’ve been renewed as a Microsoft MVP in Visual C#! Thanks to those who’ve thought I’ve contributed to the C# community and developer community in one way or another and are giving me another year of showing what it takes to be a Microsoft MVP!

I was asked by fellow Clevelander Steven Testa the following question:

.@sadukie any tips on becoming an MVP in the first place? Local dev communities are looking like the best way to start.

Getting Nominated

Our Microsoft Most Valuable Professional program has a page on becoming an MVP. As they say on the site:

Potential MVPs are nominated by other technical community members, current and former MVPs, and Microsoft personnel who have noted their leadership and their willingness and ability to help others make the most of their Microsoft technology.

While getting involved in the community is one thing, it also helps if you’re active enough in the community and recognized by those who are already MVPs or Microsofties who can recommend you. The more noticed you are, the more people can recommend you to the program, the more your name gets out there, and the more likely you may get evaluated.

MVP Activities

MVPs are some of the most active people in their communities – running user groups, organizing events, speaking at user groups, blogging, writing training programs, writing books, host podcasts, answering questions in forums…. doing what they can to spread the word on Microsoft technologies and products. Here are just a few examples of what my fellow MVPs are doing:

  • Zune MVP Marques Lyons runs these MVP Meet-and-Greet events called MSMVP. It’s a great way to meet the MVPs in their communities and for the MVPs to meet their fellow MVPs. Marques held one of these at the Microsoft Store in Bellevue, WA earlier this year at the time of our MVP Summit, and it was a great way to meet other MVPs and experience a Microsoft Store.
  • Visual Studio ALM MVP Steve Andrews is one of the MVPs behind GeekGive, community projects at community events – where MVPs take time to help with community projects, be it food pantry or Habitat for Humanity or other adventures.
  • Other events where MVPs are involved – be it in planning, running, staffing, or even speaking – include DevTeach, VS Live, MIX, CodeMash, devLink, StirTrek, MADExpo, Kalamazoo X, GiveCamp, and Day of .NET.

Learning More from the MVPs

Each MVP has a different story on how they became an MVP. Ask them how they go there, and they may give you better insight as to how to get there. You’ll find many of us love talking about how we got here and how we can help you get on the right path to becoming an MVP if you’re interested in going that route. You can find MVPs through the MVP Search Site. Your local Microsoft evangelists may also be able to help you if you’re looking to talk with an MVP, as many evangelists are close to their communities and know who to go to.

Want to hear more?

If you want to hear more from me and are in the Cleveland area, drop me an email at sarah at sadukie dot com. I enjoy meeting up with people over coffee and talking about how to get involved in the community more and how to put your passion for technology to work in the community!

By sadukie

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