CodeMash 2024 – Conference Sessions Review List

Going into CodeMash 2024, I only had 6 schedule conflicts on day 1 of conference sessions. πŸ˜‚ Day 2 wasn’t any better – in fact, it was worse due to collisions with lunch. With the app automatically assigning us lunch, it made it harder to see the lunch sessions. But I knew at least one of the sessions I wanted to see was at lunch – so I worked through those pains.

Sometimes, I chose sessions that I wanted to see for personal reasons. Some, I chose because I can use them for work. Some, I just ended up there for reasons – sometimes I understood why and sometimes it was just how things worked.

Master List

I’m going to capture each of their reviews in separate posts and link them here. This is the master list of what I caught.


Day 1:

Day 2:

Huge Thanks

I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who’s supported me throughout this process of doing session review as well as preparing a workshop and presenting a last-minute session.

  • The House of Sadukie – from my husband (who you may have seen in KidzMash Makerz area or in the Makerspace) to the Sadukelets – I can’t do any community stuff without your support. I appreciate your support, and I love that CodeMash has turned into a family affair.
  • My NimblePros crew – having a supportive team at work also makes it easier for me to step away and tend to these things. It was great to see so many sessions and the KidzMash shirts as well. So not only do they support me as an individual, but they also support the community as a whole.
  • Alyssa Diaz – Throughout the session review, I’d have questions or suggestions, and she’d run with them. If I had red flags, I knew I could raise them in confidence.
  • Chris Judd – From being speaker committee co-lead with Alyssa to being one of my Java community go-to people to just a generally genuinely great supporter, I appreciate you!
  • Brian Prince – My whole family likes to support CodeMash because of you. You’re a true leader and put on a great conference. It isn’t always easy, and you maintain great transparency with the community.
  • Matt Eland and Sam Gomez – Always fun supporting these guys, and I truly appreciate the heckling and support I get from them. We’re good at checking in on each other, making sure everyone is good. While I didn’t get to see my favorite Eland (Matt’s wife is pretty awesome too!), it was good to meet Sam’s family this year!

By sadukie

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